5 UX tips for ML projects
How UX can help you develop better applications powered by machine learning
Fairness Awareness in ML models
Talk at Machine Learning Fribourg Meetup
How neuroscience confirms UX heuristics
The Bayesian interpretation of the brain sheds a new light on well-known design principles.
Look out for the black sheep
A user who is both immersed in the culture but detached enough from her peers to have a unique perspective.
What challenges does AI create for UX design?
Machine Learning and Human-centered Design
Self Data Collection Method in User Research
Using mobile ethnography tools alongside traditional methods
Of the many meanings of the word design
… and the ethical obligations of designers
Don't Be Afraid of User Research
Debunking common arguments against user research and testing
MMO + AI =?
How Artificial Intelligence could benefit the MMO industry.
Machine Learning: Opportunities Are Not What You Think They Are
Machine learning is a powerful, but be careful how you use it.
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